Annual meeting of Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)

Professor Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman, Honorable Vice-Chancellor, (In- Charge) and Pro Vice-Chancellor called a meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) of AUST on Monday, June 10, 2024, from 04:00 pm to 06:00 pm at VC seminar room, Level:4, Block-D, AUST.  The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) organized the QACV meeting by the order of Vice-Chancellor. Professor Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman, Honorable Vice- Chancellor, (In- Charge) and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dean of the Faculties, Head of Departments/Schools, Directors, Additional Directors of IQAC, Registrar, Librarian and Medical Officer were present in this program.

The program started with a warm welcome speech given by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed, Director, IQAC, AUST. Professor Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman discussed the accreditation progress and preparation of self-assessment report (SAR)documents for the different programs. He suggested preparing an action plan by the IQAC for programs. Prepare a report based on the previous SAR documents and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the previous observations by the ET Team of BAETE. CLO Update for all courses and Complex engineering problem training, Rubrics for assessment strategy, and experts on accreditation system. After an open discussion, the program ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed, Director, IQAC. He also suggested updating the course learning outcome (CLO) as a part of continuous quality improvement (CQI) for all courses.

He advised the IQAC office to arrange necessary training and workshops on complex engineering problems, and rubrics for teaching, learning, and assessment, accreditation system. Following an open discussion, the program concluded with a vote of thanks by the chair of the meeting.